About the Blog
There is a simple formula for how the readers GUYde was born. GUY + Guide = GUYde. It’s really that simple. A guide into the world of reading for guys. The “blog-o-sphere” is full of some really amazing YA book blogs, but the reality is that most book bloggers out there are girls and as a result their blogs mostly appeal to female readers, which is great, but... The GUYde’s mission is to serve the male readers out there. It discusses and reviews YA books that will appeal to them. The reviews on the GUYde all ask one important question. “What will a teenage guy like about this book?”
Now that being said, the GUYde isn’t just for guys. The books reviewed are written by female authors as well as male. And the books not only feature male protagonists, but female ones too. Because who says a female protagonist can’t appeal to a male reader? Of course they can!! The GUYde is designed to help guys find books they might like to read, as well as help teachers, librarians and parents find books that will appeal to their male readers. Most importantly the goal of the GUYde is to do one thing. INSPIRE guys to get READING!!!
About the Blogger
My name is Brandon and I’m your GUYde. I’m a married, 20 something father from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Now you might be asking yourself, “Why did you start the GUYde?” Well the short answer is I LOVE TO READ! And I want to share my love of reading with other guys and get them reading.
And the long answer… well… here goes.
I’ve always enjoyed reading, but I pinpoint my LOVE of reading to one book, The Giver by Lois Lowry. When I was in the 7th grade our teacher read this book to my class. One chapter every day until it was finished. Let me till you, I was hooked. Since then I’ve read a huge variety of books and genres. When I was in University I made myself a promise that no matter how big the mountain of text books I had to get through was, I would always have one book on the go that had nothing to do with school work. It was just for me.
So where did my interest in YA books come from? Simple. Harry Potter and Hogwarts. J.K Rowling inspired a generation of new young readers, and for that, I, along with millions of others will be forever grateful.
Genres I currently enjoy reading are, Sci-Fi, Urban Fantasy, Distopian, Paranormal, Steampunk, Cyberpunk and some contemporary fiction here and there.
Last year I had the amazing opportunity to take a break from my normal day job and got work in a High School for a year. While there I was able to start a weekly book club for guys in grades 9 and 10. And it was that incredible group of guys that inspired me to start the GUYde. So there you have it. That's the long answer.
Enjoy the GUYde!